Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Beginning of an End

I'm so glad that you have taken the time to be with me on this incredible journey that I am preparing for!

Soon, before I know it, I will be looking for dragon fireworks in Hobbiton. Looking for room at the Inn of the Prancing Pony. Or perhaps, even crossing the stream into Rivendell. Yes, I am soon to be on New Zealand soil. It can't come quick enough!

How did I score a trip to New Zealand? Well, I had just returned from a life-altering trip to Bogota, Colombia (South America, not to be confused with the less-interesting setting of Columbia, Missouri). With the things that I saw and experienced in this city of 10 million, I took every opportunity that faced me to share the anguish that God had burdened me with while I was there. It just so happened to be, that one person that I shared my thoughts with was a missionary to New Zealand. Ben Walker. After sharing my heart with him, he shared his heart about New Zealand and its need for Christ. After our talk, he subtly joked that I should consider coming to New Zealand. "Yeah, that would be awesome!"--I said sarcastically while never thinking twice about it. Thinking I would probably never even see or hear from Mr. Walker again, I suddenly found myself bumping into him on a somewhat consistent basis...the subtle invites becoming less humorous and more convincing. After considerable prayer, I knew that I had to go. 

It's a strange feeling: burdening for a people that you have never met before. Yearning to see God work in a setting that you aren't even remotely familiar with. That may be why this is one of the most exciting, and terrifying adventures I have yet to brave.

I don't know what comes after. In the mix are bits and pieces of possibilities: South Korea, Colombia, Israel, Chicago. Teaching, serving, studying. Is it naive that I am trying not to worry about what comes after, and just let God take control? Maybe, but doesn't Christ call us to be naive in some ways? To humble ourselves and not rely on our own understanding? Here's to raising a glass (you can raise a glass of water too) to letting go and letting Christ drive.

It will be a while before I write again. This is just my introduction. You will hear from me again, before I leave for a 13 hour flight to Middle Earth (that's New Zealand, for you non-LOTR fans), on a second story of a plane, I might add. 

Check Back Soon!

Patrick Doty