Monday, February 27, 2012

Waiting Game

I've passed the beginning stages. The honeymoon stage of planning is over, for now. The waiting game begins. It's been about a month since I formally announced my journey to New Zealand.  During that month, I finalized my plane tickets. Designed, ordered, and received my prayer cards. Ordered scan cards (what these actually are will be revealed soon). Wrote letters. Annoyed people on Facebook by posting a link to my blog everyday. Now that I typed that out, it doesn't seem like all that much. But I promise you, it was.

Nobody likes to wait. It's not a fun thing to do. Some people read a good book when they wait. Some play games on their phones. Some fall asleep. But there is always something you can occupy yourself with when you are waiting. Even dentist offices have magazines for you to read. I decided that while in the midst of this waiting game, I will keep you occupied (and myself) by giving you some details about New Zealand.

New Zealand is a very small country, separated in two main islands: North Island, South Island. It is about the size of Colorado, or Great Britain, or Japan. It's population is only about 4.5 million people, making it gloriously uncrowded.

The capital city of New Zealand is Wellington, located on the southernmost tip of the North Island. Although Wellington is the capital, it only has a population of about 400,000 people.

The largest city, where I am going, is Auckland, and is located on the northern peninsula of the North Island. Auckland has a population of approximately 1.5 million people.

Auckland is a very diverse city, with significant populations of New Zealand Europeans, Pacific Islanders, Asians, Maori (indigenous people), Middle Easterners, Latin Americans, and Africans. Although the official language is English, many other minority languages are present, with Maori being the largest minority.

What people find most fascinating about New Zealand is its diverse landscapes.

There are also a lot of volcanoes.

New Zealand is also home to a unique species of glowing cave worms.

I hope that this helps you visual what a beautiful country New Zealand really is. Although it is beautiful on the outside, New Zealand is a very dark country. Over 40% of the population claim no religious belief whatsoever. Less than 10% of the people attend any church at all, let alone a Bible-believing church.

I leave for New Zealand beginning in Austin. However, the journey to New Zealand does not begin at Austin International Airport. The journey to New Zealand does not begin on my departure from Los Angeles. The journey to New Zealand begins now. Part of the journey means praying for the people that live in the beautiful country depicted above. I mentioned in my first post that it is a strange thing burdening for a people you don't know. But it is exciting! I can't wait to actually meet the people I have been praying for! I ask that you join me by praying that the hearts of the people in New Zealand will be prepared.

For those of you who personally know me, you know I have a strong connection with Nehemiah. Nehemiah was living far away from Israel, and he was a cupbearer to a king in Persia, so Nehemiah was a very rich man. He was basically royalty. One day, he finds out that Jerusalem is physically in bad shape, and that the people's hearts have been hardened towards God. At this point, Nehemiah is brought to a point of anguish at the state of the people. He begins to weep for the people. He mourns, prays, fasts. Nehemiah then leaves all of his riches and travels to Jerusalem to restore the city and its people. This is why I am going to New Zealand. Sure, the landscape and scenery is a great perk and I am sure I will thoroughly enjoy the view. BUT, the reason I am going to New Zealand is because I feel a burden for the people there. Even the hint of hope that a person will come to know Jesus Christ in New Zealand is more beautiful than any mountain or plain. A new believer's smile and joy will shine brighter than the beach. THAT is the reason why I travel to New Zealand.