Monday, April 16, 2012

The Bearer of Bad.....Blessings in Disguise?

No one likes to read the fine print. Even when I find myself encouraged and strong-willed enough, with glasses in hand, to read the fine print, I give up after the first few lines of verbose legal jargon. Unfortunately, however, not reading the fine print doesn't make it go away. The principle behind the fine print still applies whether we read it or not.

Today, I read some unwelcoming fine print.

Satan sucks. I would tell you that he knows just how, and in the right moment, to get you down, but I refuse to give him that much credit. He doesn't deserve it. That's why I am trying to see this as a blessing in disguise.

Received a call today letting me know that plans have changed a little. While in New Zealand, I was going to be blessed enough to be able to have my food provided through an established feeding ministry, cutting my expenses down quite a bit. Well, things happened and as of right now, that is no longer a possibility. On top of that, just like everywhere else on Earth, the economy in New Zealand isn't awesome. The people in New Zealand are not wearing outfits made of cash and walking in the street swaying to Abba's Dancing Queen. It's just not happening, although I wish. Prices have skyrocketed to a point that North Korea's missile couldn't even imagine. My point is, this journey is going to cost more than I expected. Because everything is so expensive, and now since I will be having to pay for my own food, I am expecting GOD to do even bigger things!

Ben Walker, a missionary that I will be working under in New Zealand, after sharing this unfortunate news with me, encouraged me with a very discouraging verse, that was actually encouraging. Yeah, wrap your mind around that.

If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.
                                                             -Proverbs 24:10 

It's not a fun thing to be able to relate to that verse. I am so glad that he shared this verse with me. Why  am I surprised that I am experiencing adversity right now? This is God's specialty! This is where God gets most of His glory! Not when we are able to avoid adversity, but when we are able to endure THROUGH adversity. I am discouraged, to be honest with you. But I am so so so so so excited for this opportunity that God has given me to grow through. That's why this is a blessing in disguise...a chance to REALLY LIVE for God. With that in mind, I have it easy. The real people who this is impacting more than myself, are Ben and Raelene Walker, missionaries to New Zealand, and missionaries all over the world. They live this type of adversity every. single. day.

It's an uncomfortable thing to ask for financial support. But when has professing Christ and submitting to His ministry ever been a comfortable thing? It would be easy and comfortable to just back out of my journey to New Zealand. It would be easy to just give up. But I refuse. I know that God will provide. That's where you come in. Please prayerfully consider making a one-time financial gift to support this mission. Don't think that any amount is too small. My information is on the right side of this blog.

I also highly covet your prayers in this situation, but please be praying for the Walkers as well, and the people all over the world making sacrifices to bring the light of Christ to this Earth!