Sunday, June 3, 2012

Happy Queen's Birthday!

It's Monday, June 4. Today is the Queen's birthday. This means that everything has a 10% price increase. I won't be doing much today! Everything is already so expensive on its own. Would you want to pay $30NZD ($23USD) on a 4-pack of batteries?

It's been a crazy week already. I haven't been able to see a whole lot for a couple of reasons. First, I'm 17 hours ahead, which makes for a nice nap at 4:00 in the afternoon, and a rude awakening at 5:00 in the morning. I'm almost over it, though. Second, there has been quite a bit of work to do as well.

One of the most surprising things I have had to face here in New Zealand is the variety of nationalities. There are the British, South Africans, Filipinos, Maori, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Cambodians, Vietnamese, Balkaans, Bavarians, Latinos, lots of people from India,  lots of Kiwis (white New Zealanders), lots of Polynesians, and lots of Brazilians. There aren't just a few people roaming around from each of these countries. There are significant populations from these various countries. It's quite a strange but normal occurrence to begin  speaking with someone from China who has a thick New Zealand accent. I know that technically they speak 'English' here, but it is definitely quite a different language.


"Sure is choc-a-block, ay?" (Something is overflowed/crowded)

"Good on ya, mate" (Greeting)

"I'll shout" (I'll pay)

"Where's the rubbish?" (Where's the trash can)

"I'm keen, yeah" (Sounds good)

"It's really posh" (It's really nice/rich)

"Ah, choice!" (Very good!)

"Cheers" (Thanks/Goodbye)

"Hiding" (Beating)

And that's just some that i've only begun to understand. There are heeps more I'm confused on!

Pakuranga Underground Night Market
Ice Cream was served in pineapples!
Auckland City view from Mt. Eden

Aside from the confusion and busy-ness of these first few days, I've enjoyed my stay on the Island. It's definitely beautiful. I will post a lot more pictures when I am able to get around and see some more things.

Prayer Needs:

I can't put everything on here, but just pray for the people here, that they will experience a brokenness for Christ.

Talk to you again soon!

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