Friday, June 8, 2012

Tea Masala and Samosas

Two of many great discoveries that I have been introduced to while in New Zealand are Samosas and Tea Masala. Both are Indian, which is most of the food that I have had while eating here.

Samosas is a fried pastry with spicy potato, onion, peas, and sometimes lentils. They are wonderful. They especially go well with a great cup of Tea Masala. I'm not sure of everything that is in Tea Masala...but I do know that pepper is added, which  makes it nice and spicy. It may sound strange, but it's wonderful! The pair make an awesome afternoon snack!

New Zealand is a different mission field that I am used to. Yes, I have running water. Yes, everybody here has a car. Yes, I have a heater to run at night (it's wintertime here). No, I don't see a ton of homeless children on the street. There is one similarity between New Zealand and Colombia, and the slums in Kenya, or the ravaged villages in South Sudan, or the dark ministries in Europe: people need Christ.

It's easy to feel burdened for people when you can physically see their need. Here, their need is purely spiritual. They don't need a jacket, or a plate of food. They just need Christ. I'm definitely not saying those things are wrong, because that's where a major part of my vision is in serving Christ.

I'm just saying that it makes it difficult to minister to people because the only thing you have to give them is the one thing that they don't want.
I had the chance to visit a Buddhist temple the other day, the one pictured here, and witnessed men praying to a god that doesn't exist. Looking for help in a void. I know a lot of you are praying for me daily. It's something that I appreciate so much! Can I challenge you to also start praying daily for people's hearts to be opened to the power of Christ here in New Zealand. Also, pray for me as I preach on Sunday morning.

Cheers Mates, and as you leave, enjoy some of New Zealand that I have been able to enjoy!

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