Sunday, July 29, 2012

On Top of the World

A couple days ago, I embarked on a incredible adventure! I climbed the alpines of Mt. Tongariro and Mt. Ngauruhoe.. Many people make this climb...during summer. I did it in winter, when it was full of snow. This means that I had to learn how to use crampons (metal pikes that you attach to your boots) and ice picks. It is an understatement to say that it was the hardest thing I have EVER done. I won't go into details about everything, but I fell down a certain slope for about 30 seconds (felt like hours), partially fell into a snow cave, and to top it all off, because this is a recently very active volcano, I experienced two earthquakes. Even though, it was the most amazing thing I have ever done. The views and experience was absolutely spectacular, even if I couldn't move the next day.

This 11-hour climb really made me think about what I am facing right now. If you read my last couple of posts, there is a major decision that I am trying to make, and it looks like the hardest climb up a mountain that I could take. But I realized that if God really wants me to do this, He will help me through it. That doesn't mean that it will be easy, just like climbing the mountain wasn't easy, but the end result would be something that I can't even imagine.

I am praying about going on the World Race.
Most of you probably know about this program, because we know some people that have gone, or are going. For those of you who have not heard of the World Race:

The World Race is an 11-month trip around the world, to 11 different countries, spending 1 month in each country. While in these countries, participants involve themselves in various ministries with missionaries in those countries. Churches, refugee camps, orphanages, feeding stations, community outreach, etc.

I know that this would be a heck of a climb, with a lot more than two earthquakes and a few slips. That's why I am so dedicated to praying about this decision, and I hope that you can pray with me as well. Like I said in my last post, going on this race, in a lot of ways, doesn't make sense.

 However, I think i'm finally learning to let God make the decisions for me, and trust Him through the midst of them.

Post Script: For you other LOTR fans, I'm standing (well, jumping) at the opposite side of Mt. Doom that Frodo and Sam are walking towards in this picture.

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